PETS NATURAL DIGESTIVE AID: When your pet has troubles with digestion, they may vomit, be constipated or have diarrhea symptoms. The main priority is to help them feel better as soon as possible. Dogs and cats digestive problems may occur at any time and no one wants to deal with the outcome because it can get nasty. This is why we made a Digestive Aid for pets so that they can go back to feeling better and not go through any more struggle that may come up. Our supplement is made from amazing and natural ingredients.
LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS FOR PETS DIGESTIVE TRACT: Natural Probiotic supplements are great for pets having problems associated with intestine such as diarrhea, dehydration, foul gas, gum problems and foul breath. These health problems are usually the result of stress, illness or certain medications. You are assured of many benefits if you try to include acidophilus(in our supplement) for your pet's healthy diet.
BENEFITS OF PROBIOTICS FOR PETS: Marcella D. Ridgway, notes that there is growing evidence that supports the use of probiotics for dogs and cats. She states that giving your pet healthy bacteria may positively impact abnormalities, obesity, liver problems, and mood or behavior disorders. Also when providing your pet with our probiotics on a daily basis, other benefits can tag along like better skin and coat appearance, help in regulating bowel function and much more.
BEST FORMULA FOR PETS: Our natural supplement is made from ingredients that are formulated to help your dog or cat when they need it right away. In this supplement we included two of the most important probiotic digestive aid ingredints, which are L-Acidophilus and L-Salivarious. These contain 250 million active cultures under the probiotics list. Also we included Inulin(FOS) in our supplement because it carries so many positive benefits for your pets health.
HOW GOOD IS INULIN?: Many benefits can come from Inulin for dogs and cats. Inulin is a excellent source of fiber and calorie carbohydrate with less calories than any sugar and less calories than fat which is really good. Also Inulin can be characterized as a probiotic and helps to increase absorption of calcium and other minerals needed. In the end term this ingredient comes a long way to help and support your pets digestive needs ASAP.
BEST AMAZING BENEFITS: Our supplement can provide your pet with many health benefits across the board. The positive and natural benefits start from here, helpful in diarrhea problems and stopping it, urinary problems can be solved, eliminate problems of foul gas, get rid of bad breath, relieves muscular pain, and last but not least can improve the immune system of pet.
INULIN FACTS FOR PETS HEALTH: Inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides aka FOS are basically nothing more than carbohydrates belonging to a class of compounds known as fructans. Think of them as a sugar that passes through the digestive tract intact until it reaches there colon. At that point, the good bacteria in the colon uses them as food. They are suppose to help the good guy bacteria to florish. In result your pets will feel and look a lot better
PETS DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Digestive enzymes are normally secreted by the pets body during digestion. If your pet has a digestive issue, this may be solved by administering some digestive enzymes which are provided by our supplement. Enzymes are specialized proteins that are responsible for thousands of important functions in your pets body. One of their most important jobs is to break down and absorb nutrients from food but some pets may have problems doing that.